Halutaan myydä
Kuopion keskustassa sijaitseva kahvila

Kohdenumero FK1348
Hintapyyntö 25 000
Toimiala Ravintolat, kahvilat
Maakunta tai alue Pohjois-Savo
Henkilöluku 1
The cafe in the center of Kuopio is on sale since the owner is moving from Finland. The cafe is located on the second floor of the Torikulma business center, in the heart of the city, with an excellent view of the market.

The size of the office is 81.5 square meters and guests can sit around 30. The storage and working space (toilet, dressing room, rest room) can be found on the third floor. The cafeteria has a strong standard customer base and Savon Sanomais café inquiry ranked among the top ten in Northern Savo.

Price includes rent deposit

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